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  • Emergency of market for premium vacuum pack tea
  • Increase in choice of flavours
  • Upgraded Packaging
  • Unlike regular packet tea, the purchase of vacuum packed tea is more impluse-led
  • Marketing strategy is focused on visibility and trail generation at the point of sale
  • As against Packet tea consumption CAGR growth of 4% the CAGR in tea bags is 12%
  • Target group for flavoured now moving on the aspiring middle class


  • As against CAGR of 6% in coffee the CAGR in tea is 3.3% as the penetration of tea is 90%.
  • As against Russia where the tea cinsumption in term of volume is declining by 1% every year, in india the CAGR is impressive 3.3%.
  • Growth from tea parlours is not forthcoming as in coffee industry.
  • Probable entry of big marketers like ITC in branded tea with in next year or two will offers consumers more options & shall be good for the growth of branded segment.

Vacuum Tea Stats

  • Domestic Consumption -8000 mt/annum
  • Annual Growth - 10 %
  • Production - 16500 mt/annum
  • Exports - 8500 mt
  • In orgenised retail - Private label tea sale is 25%

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